Sunday, October 20, 2013

My last depressed day! Yours?

My last depressed day! May be Yours?
It could be Yours!
I wish You all that!
For about ten long and ugly years I had been depressed and
nothing medical helped me, not alcohol, not drugs.
Every second of that my life I simple dreamed to escape from myself.
Then I realised the main reason of my depression and  I got slowly changed.
My depression disappeared as well, step by step.
You could also do it! You should just realise.
We are all the same.
In our common world we are regular that happy life is
to be personally successful one and to make good money.
It means You have to do a lot of bad things for other People,
otherwise You would miss the chance for Your own success.
So, we seemed have no a choice...
To be a winner means to win over them, others...
What a happy life!
Would You still wait for a warm friendship from all those people who
You are surrounded by?
Or You are just aware they are ready for a attack?
Because they should be successful ones... They need money...
I do not exist for them. I am so alone in this war...
That is the reason that our lives are so fearful and sad ones -
our brain forever keeps Trojan information about
all our dirty steps in life we did, even if we have already forgotten
all those we made them suffer.
I should be honest to myself,
My cold mathematical brain, this computer of mine,
can find the only possible value for my personality!
"I am a bad person of a bad world."
Yes. I am just a part of the common depression.
Yes, I am really depressed... Why do I feel bad now?
Is it my punishment? My present bad feeling is, probably, my reward
I deserved for some my own past mistake!
Can it be stopped?
Is there a sure way for my recovery?
I just realised!
We are personally responsible for every our step in life.
To be a good person is the first step of the needed treatment!
First of all!
I swear to myself!
In the future nothing will force me to harm others!
I believe!
It will come a day I already paid back all those I had hurt and wronged
and from now on I am free from a possible punishment to come...
I am free and happy!...
Today I am a man who used to be depressed.
Is there a chance for You as well and for anyone else?
We should just change our depressed lives-war!
In order not to struggle for success against all others -
every one should get his own chance in life for a personal success.
A dream?
Just remember - "Our life is a game!".
I suggest You all, depressed and not depressed personally ones,
to turn our single lives inside the depressed world
into a happy and good non-stop TV story(game!)
of Our Beautiful Common World!
We would live there in a worthy and calm way and
every one of us would check his next step out, if it is the good one? Why?
From now on...
In Our World we all are equal and there is no matter who You are.
Healthy or the sick one... Man or Woman...
Your age, look, IQ, muscle power level, money - do not matter -
You gets Your own, daily, real, free chance to become
a happy and famous millionaire!
It is so possible now!
You will believe me - just read
"Rules of the game"
of Our Last Reality Show!
I believe! You will become a better, happier and wealthier person on a day!
The last day of Your own depression!

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